Server rates

  • 10x Exp Solo
  • 15x Exp Party
  • 10x Drop
  • 1500x Pet Growth
  • 300x Exp Ship
  • 15x Resources Drop

Richest character



2 000 000 000 gold


  • Username and Password can be 5-20 characters long inclusive;
  • Username and Password can contain the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9;
  • The case of letters in the Login has not a value. For example, PlAyEr and Player are the same account;
  • The case of letters in the Password has a value. For example, QwErTy and Qwerty are two different passwords;
  • You can register accounts for one email address: 1;
  • An email address is required to restore your account.

Server status


Server time: 06:24:11 09/17/2024

GM Online: @GM, @SUPPORT.



  • Characters +5 775
  • Accounts +22 660
  • Players 281
  • Online peak +6 130
  • Now playing +3 111